The Second Derivative

Graphs commisioned by magazine B21C for the feature "The Second Derivative", an exploration into how the rate of change is in itself changing. "The world is changing at an ever increasing rate, in graphical form we show just how fast the second derivative (the rate of change) has accelerated over the last century, in almost every field of endeavour."

The Second Derivative

Total Patent Applications
High-technology exports (% of manufactured exports)
Total number of patent applications by resident and non-resident (1996-2007)
Source: WIPO Statistics Database, June 2009, The World Bank (

Energy Consumption
The Second Derivative

Energy Consumption by Source
Fossil FuelsWind Energy Consumption
Nuclear Electric PowerWood Energy Consumption
Hydroelectric Energy ConsumptionWaste Energy Consumption
Geothermal Energy ConsumptionBiofuels Consumption
Solar/PV Energy ConsumptionTotal Biomass Consumption

Source: Energy Information Administration